Chiropractic care Archives - Health and Fitness Tips live a long, healthy life one step at a time Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:41:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Relieve Back Pain by Choosing the Right Chiropractor Fri, 13 Sep 2019 14:10:51 +0000 Have you noticed that of late your back feels bruised when touched, or you’re having lower back pain when standing or walking? You might have a herniated disc or nerve damage of some sort. Don’t worry, back pain is a fairly common condition throughout the United States and many people may experience it because of

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Have you noticed that of late your back feels bruised when touched, or you’re having lower back pain when standing or walking? You might have a herniated disc or nerve damage of some sort. Don’t worry, back pain is a fairly common condition throughout the United States and many people may experience it because of their lifestyle, for example, driving long haul trucks, or working at a desk for most of the day.

To help prevent back pain, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, practice good posture, and use proper techniques for lifting and carrying heavy objects. You may look for the best physical therapy for back pain near me for expert advice and help with your paining back. Additionally, regular exercise and stretching are important components of maintaining a healthy back. Exercise can help strengthen the muscles that support your spine and reduce tension in the muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine.

To help prevent future back problems, you can also do preventative stretches that your local chiropractic offices will be able to show you and help you with treatment routine. Try taking frequent breaks between seated positions. Invest in the right mattress and pillow to help support your spine and avoiding activities that put too much strain on the back.

Dealing with back pain, whether it is mild or severe, is never fun. Sometimes it can feel like the rest of your life is being limited all because of back pain. Sometimes it can even feel like it may never end. As a matter of fact, 264 million work days are lost every year as a result of back pain. But it is important to realize that with the right treatment from an experienced chiropractor at an established pain relief center, there is hope for treating your back pain, regardless of how severe or debilitating it may be. If you have been searching for a chiropractor, but you are not sure who to trust or how to make a final decision, then follow our simple guide below to get started on the path toward treatment, recovery, and healing.

What features should I look for in a chiropractor?


First and foremost, you always want to verify that a chiropractor has all the credentials that make them a trustworthy source of treatment. This means that you should always check for their licenses and certifications. If you cannot obtain them by asking, or if they are not easily viewed online or in person, then this is a good sign that you are dealing with someone who is not to be trusted as a legitimate professional. In this case, it is probably best to move on to other options who can prove their expertise through proper licenses.


You may find it fruitful to consult with your insurance agent to see what services your current insurance policy does or does not cover. Depending on the nature and severity of your back pain, you may need to get a referral from your primary care physician before more specialized care is covered. Of course, this all depends on your specific situation, so it is always helpful to first check in with both your insurance policy and your primary care physician before seeking the services of a chiropractic professional. Either way, you can usually find access to the care that you need.


Prior to visiting a chiropractor, you may also find it wise to get specific about the type of back pain you are experiencing. Is it chronic pain? Does it only come up when you are engaging in strenuous physical activity? While asking yourself these questions may seem insignificant, their answers can actually be quite illuminating, as they may point you toward other, underlying problems that are producing back pain as a symptom. Based on your pain areas and severity, you may want to find a chiropractor that practices certain techniques. There are many different kinds available on today’s market. Once you have more information about the cause of your pain, you will find it easier to choose a treatment plan. Visiting your regular doctor can help you navigate the process of determining the source of your pain so that you can be more prepared to solve it.

How should I choose a chiropractor?


When you are searching for chiropractic care to relieve back pain, it may be helpful to begin by seeking recommendations from trusted friends, family members, and colleagues. Often times the word of mouth effect has an incredible impact on the legitimacy of a chiropractor. If people that you trust have had good experiences in the past, then it stands to reason that you have a pretty good chance of having a similar experience. You may also be able to locate chiropractic care services by searching online. This can be an especially helpful tactic if you want to find a local chiropractor. Again, anyone with an established practice and positive reviews should be able to provide you with the back pain treatment you’ve been searching for.


Whether you have been experiencing back pain for a long time, or only a short while, it is important that you seek the right treatment immediately. With years of experience and specialized knowledge, we would love to get you started on a treatment plan that is right for your individual needs. Contact a chiropractor today to get started on treating your back pain so you can get back to doing the things you love most.

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Reasons Why You Should Visit a Chiropractor for Chronic Back Pains Fri, 28 Jul 2017 22:12:10 +0000 Updated 5/6/22 Chiropractic treatment mainly focused on the manual adjustment of someone’s spine and is mostly seemed by patients who suffer from back discomfort and back pain. Some causes of severe back and hip include obesity, stress, and pregnancy. When you notice signs of back pain just above buttocks or back stiffness occurring in your

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Updated 5/6/22

Chiropractic treatment mainly focused on the manual adjustment of someone’s spine and is mostly seemed by patients who suffer from back discomfort and back pain. Some causes of severe back and hip include obesity, stress, and pregnancy. When you notice signs of back pain just above buttocks or back stiffness occurring in your body, it may be time to visit a chiropractic practice that offers back pain topical treatments to patients. These are some of the reasons why you should visit a chiropractor.

1. To Fix Your Posture

Having good posture is dependent on how you train your body to stand, sit and move while using a low amount of strain put on muscles and limbs. You must be aware of the factors that are causes of severe lower back and hip pain and back stifness. Avoid sitting while slouched in your seat and strive to stand and sit straight. The main aim of chiropractors is to help support and correct your posture.

2. To Improve Your Health

Chiropractic treatments offer a prolific way to heal your body naturally and improvement in health issues most people suffer from like backaches, headaches, neck pains, etc. Having routine sessions with a chiropractor also helps improve your body posture, circulation of blood in your body, and blood pressure.

Experiencing severe pain or discomfort in your joints and muscles may mean you need to get checked by a chiropractor. Don’t ignore signs of discomfort and pain in your back as it could lead to severe health problems if you do not get them checked by a medical doctor.


Chiropractors south tampa

Do you suffer from back pain? Is it chronic pain to the point that each and every day you struggle to accomplish daily tasks because the pain gets in the way? Whether you were injured in a car accident, had a sports injury, or were injured in some other way, it can be very difficult living with such horrible back pain. It can disrupt every day of your life making it hard to get to work, to complete your tasks, and to enjoy your free time with friends and family.

If you are suffering from this type of back pain, you are not alone. There are millions of others struggling with the same types of pain. Interested in learning about ways to possibly relieve some of that pain like chiropractic care? Keep reading for more information on chronic back pain and why going to a chiropractor for chronic pain could be a good solution.

How Many People Suffer From Chronic Back Pain


Believe it or not, millions of people are suffering from back pain in the United States. In fact, there are around 31 million people who experience back, specifically in their lower backs, every single day. It does not stop there, though. You do not have to be in pain every day to know what it feels like to have back pain. At any point in your life, you can experience bad back pain that can disrupt your day.

From a sports injury, a car accident, or another reason, you can end up with bad back pain for a few hours, a few days, or even longer. It is estimated that around 80% of people living in the world will struggle with back pain at different times in their lives.

Pain does not have to be limited to back or sections of your back, either. You can experience chronic pain all over your body. When it comes to chronic pain, it can vary from your back, to your hips, to your feet, to knees. Around the world, there are around 1.5 million people who struggle with some type of chronic pain throughout their body.

How to Potentially Find Relief From Chronic Pains


Regardless of how you come about having chronic back pains, there are potential benefits to chiropractic care. Depending on how you were injured or how your chronic pain came to be, you can even visit specific chiropractors to have more specialized assistance. For example, you can visit a chiropractor for chronic pain, a chiropractor for sports injuries, or a chiropractor for accident victims.

It is not rare to experience chronic pain from injuries. When it comes to the 32 National Football League teams, chiropractors are always in-demand. While playing sports, there are a multitude of ways to get injured or to experience chronic pains. Chiropractic care can be good for preventative measures just as it can be good for dealing with injuries and pains after they come about.

When it comes to the NFL, chiropractic care is especially important for things like back pain, strains in your hamstrings or quadriceps, neuromusculoskeletal strain injuries and whiplash injuries. By visiting a chiropractor, you can hopefully find some potential relief from the pain you feel. Don?t forget that it can also help with issues that you foresee coming if you are about to start playing sports or becoming more physically active than you previously were.

Another thing that is important to remember is that you can potentially save money by turning to chiropractic care instead of simply visiting another type of doctor. A recent study shared results showing that people had up to 20% more in savings when visiting a chiropractor for pain relief.

Have you ever suffered from chronic back pain or pain elsewhere on your body from a sports injury or car accident? Did you get any chiropractic care for treatment or pain relief? Let us know in the comments about your experience finding and visiting a chiropractor for your pain.

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Include These in Your Diet to Fight Headaches Mon, 24 Apr 2017 20:19:11 +0000 Suffering from headaches is enough to make anyone have a bad day. However, there are those who suffer from chronic pain headaches. These types of headaches can be particularly intense in both pain and duration. It is common for those suffering from chronic head aches to try anything to improve their quality of life. Some

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Relieving diabetes naturally

Suffering from headaches is enough to make anyone have a bad day. However, there are those who suffer from chronic pain headaches. These types of headaches can be particularly intense in both pain and duration. It is common for those suffering from chronic head aches to try anything to improve their quality of life.

Some people may think that it is a lost cause but that is not true. There are many methods that can be used to reduce chronic pain headaches. In many cases, it could simply be diet choices that are responsible for repeated headaches. In this post, you will learn natural remedies that can help reduce chronic pain headaches.

  1. Water: In many cases, the cause of a painful headache is brought on by lack of water. The painful feeling that you are experiencing is nerves telling your body it needs water. It might seem odd that something so simple can cure headaches. However, drinking a glass or two of water and waiting about ten minutes can be known to cure a headache. Headaches are often a symptom directly related to being dehydrated.
  2. Reduce Caffeine Intake: It is common to want that cup of coffee or energy drink to help wake you up in the mornings. However, caffeine can be a major cause of headaches in adults. Luckily, there are supplements and vitamins you can use to provide you energy without having to ingest caffeine.
  3. Fish Oil: This ingredient is one that is usually best taken in capsule form. You can use the liquid form of fish oil. However, some people do not like the taste of fish oil which makes capsules a more preferred option. Fish oil is well known to help with inflammation and pain in muscle tissue. In addition, fish oil has also helped to shown pain related to headaches.

Fixing chronic pain headaches is an extremely important concern. Recent research was done concerning a group of people who regularly experienced chronic migraines. It was reported that 70 percent of suffered have trouble concentrating, 74 percent found energy levels impacted, and 86 percent had trouble sleeping, all due to chronic pain headaches.

In closing, there are many natural ways that can help to treat chronic pain headaches. Chronic migraines symptoms will vary from person to person. Water has been known to greatly reduce the feeling of painful headaches. Fish oil is a supplement often used for weightlifters to reduce muscle soreness. However, this supplement can also be a great tool in the fight against headaches.

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Benefits of a Chiropractor Some Things to Think About Tue, 17 May 2016 17:04:12 +0000 You’ve hurt your back. It might’ve been in a car accident, in a sports game, or even something as simple as lifting the wrong way. What’s the next step? Should you see a chiropractor? What are the benefits of a chiropractor when compared to a standard medical doctor? Here are a few things to consider

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Sports chiropractors south tampa

You’ve hurt your back. It might’ve been in a car accident, in a sports game, or even something as simple as lifting the wrong way. What’s the next step? Should you see a chiropractor? What are the benefits of a chiropractor when compared to a standard medical doctor? Here are a few things to consider while you’re deciding on the next step.
Back pain is more common than you think, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. When most people think of back injuries, they think of an elderly person hunched over and yelling “I threw out my back!” But the truth is, back pain is one of the main causes for disability in people under the age of 45. At any one time, as many as 30 million Americans may experience back pain. Four-fifths of the American population will, at some point, experience back pain, and half of all working Americans suffer from back pain symptoms every year. The point is it’s common, and it doesn’t mean you’re weak or old.
Chiropractic care is cheaper than surgery. Depending on the severity of the injury, spinal surgery can cost well over $100,000. Add to that a lengthy recovery process, physical therapy, medication, and surgery is a costly option. One of the benefits of a chiropractor is that it is far cheaper. Visits can range from $30 to $200, depending on the injury and type of care needed. Injured workers that visited chiropractors before surgeons were far less likely to need surgery.
Getting a chiropractic appointment is quicker and easier than scheduling a surgery. Surgery can take weeks, or even months, of planning. Schedules have to be rearranged, work has to be missed, and it can lead to a lot of stress. Chiropractor services, on the other hand, are typically easier to schedule and are far more flexible. In some cases, you can get in as quickly as the following day, and it’d be on your time. At most, you’d be missing a single day of work rather than the weeks you’d be missing leading up to and following surgery.
There are many benefits of a chiropractor visit. It’s cheaper, quicker, and easier than visiting a medical doctor or a surgeon. Back pain is common and chronic, but there are many treatment options available. Whether you’re the victim of an accident or a sports injury, chiropractic care is a cheaper alternative to surgery.

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