Brain cancer treatment Archives - Health and Fitness Tips live a long, healthy life one step at a time Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:37:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Exploring Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer and Understanding Their Implications Sun, 08 Jul 2018 05:25:07 +0000 One of the most important things that anyone can strive to achieve in life is to stay free from diseases and health conditions that can significantly affect your quality of life. There can be a number of best practices, habits, and lifestyle choices that you can adopt to make sure that you do not remain

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One of the most important things that anyone can strive to achieve in life is to stay free from diseases and health conditions that can significantly affect your quality of life. There can be a number of best practices, habits, and lifestyle choices that you can adopt to make sure that you do not remain vulnerable to a large number of possible health conditions. However, when it comes to diseases like cancer, even those who are well prepared can very easily get affected. This is why it is extremely important to have the requisite knowledge and insight when it comes to treatment options for cancer. Cancer is something that can strike at any point in time, and knowing about all possible advanced cancer treatment options can help you remain prepared to handle the situation.

One of the most important things that you need to know about cancer is that it is a disease which is still without a comprehensive cure. There are a number of cancer treatment therapy options that doctors at Cancer treatment centers use to stem the flow of the disease. Cancer is nothing but an uncontrolled growth of particular cells in a particular area of the body caused by genetic mutation. These cells need to be tackled effectively and their growth restricted in order to achieve recovery. Some of the traditional treatment options the doctors have used for a long time to deal with this disease include chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer. While these represent tried and tested and available modes of treatment, there have been innovations in the medical realm when it comes to these treatments.

Understanding the Situation

When you take commonly found cancers like prostate cancer, it is important that you have advance knowledge of all the treatment options and what they entail in terms of effectiveness and consequences. Treatment options for prostate cancer include chemotherapy and radiation therapy which have been used to deal with the problem of cancer for quite some time. Chemotherapy involves the use of particular drugs which are administered to the body and help kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy involves exposing affected areas of the body to radiation in order to kill cancer cells. These treatment options for prostate cancer also have quite a number of important implications and side effects and is important that you understand them at the very outset.

When it comes to treatment options for prostate cancer, both chemotherapy and radiotherapy have considerable side effects. For a long time, these treatments have been used to kill cancer cells using different techniques. However, there is a large amount of collateral damage involved in both these treatment options. Healthy cells also get killed along with cancerous cells and this makes the body weak and vulnerable. People can develop a host of other health problems due to this vulnerability and need a very strict, regimented life in order to maintain their well-being when they are confronted with these treatments. Fortunately, with the advent of proton therapy for cancer, some of the problems can be solved.

Understanding Proton Radiation Therapy for Cancer

One of the most important downsides when it comes to treatment options for prostate cancer like radiation therapy is the collateral damage. Exposing one part of the border to radiation not only affects the areas you want to expose but also adjacent areas which can contain vital organs. This is the reason why proton beam radiation has recently been found to be a great resource when used correctly in the treatment of cancer. This kind of radiation can be very specifically controlled to penetrate into the body to a particular extent. This can save people from experiencing the kind of collateral damage that is often experienced in traditional radiation therapy.

While it comes to prostate cancer treatment, using new and improved forms of radiation treatment can be a great option. This can help cancer patients get through a very difficult period of time in their lives without having to suffer the negative consequences and side effects of traditional treatment options for prostate cancer. With more progress and medical innovation, it can certainly be hoped that even better treatments would surface in the near future.

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New Information About the Treatment of Breast Cancer Wed, 06 Jun 2018 00:52:08 +0000 The latest news about breast cancer treatment is encouraging. On June 4, 2018, several news agencies reported that a federally sponsored study using Oncotype DX indicated that most women with the most common form of early stage breast cancer can now safely skip chemotherapy. This means that as many as 65,000 women a year will

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The latest news about breast cancer treatment is encouraging.

On June 4, 2018, several news agencies reported that a federally sponsored study using Oncotype DX indicated that most women with the most common form of early stage breast cancer can now safely skip chemotherapy. This means that as many as 65,000 women a year will be spared the costly, unpleasant, time-consuming, and sometimes debilitating, rigors of the cancer-killing therapy.

Three decades ago chemotherapy was included in nearly every breast cancer treatment. In the last 15 years, however, there were some cases when this exhausting therapy was no longer used. Now, it seems, that with a different kind of plan chemotherapy will no longer be included in the traditional treatment protocol.

Cancer Treatment Centers Continue to Benefit from Research and New Treatment Plans

The latest advanced cancer treatment options continue to change the face of a variety of options for breast and prostrate cancer, as well as others. For instance, proton radiation therapy is a type of radiation that stops at a very specific point in the targeted tissue, as opposed to conventional which radiation continues beyond the tumor. In breast cancer, this treatment means on average no radiation will reach the heart, and on average 50% less radiation will reach the lung when compared with conventional radiation.

With the use of proton beam radiation, a treatment session generally takes 15 to 45 minutes. The actual time spent delivering the protons to the tumor, however, is generally only one or two minutes. This type of treatment is increasing in popularity so much that by the beginning of 2015, more than 30 particle therapy cancer treatment centers, with a total of about 80 treatment rooms, were under construction across the world.
If you or someone you love has had cancer in the past you understand the importance of getting the right kind of treatment. This latest news about breast cancer and the fact that many of the patients will no longer be required to go through radiation is big news. Thanks to advancements in targeted treatments like proton therapy doctors are now able to make sure that they are able to concentrate the treatments that are recommended.

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Being Diagnosed With Cancer Isn’t The End The Emergence Of A Low-Risk And Aggressive New Treatment Wed, 17 Jan 2018 23:07:07 +0000 Cancer treatment is about to see a breakthrough. You likely know someone struggling with the onset of cancer. Breast cancer treatment has seen a lot of discussion these past few years due to rising figures and advanced cancer treatment options are becoming more necessary than ever to accommodate different health plans and conditions. Proton therapy

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Cancer treatment therapy

Cancer treatment is about to see a breakthrough.

You likely know someone struggling with the onset of cancer. Breast cancer treatment has seen a lot of discussion these past few years due to rising figures and advanced cancer treatment options are becoming more necessary than ever to accommodate different health plans and conditions. Proton therapy for cancer is a remarkable new way of targeting cancer cells, able to reduce side-effects even as it goes for a more aggressive approach. A higher-than-average recovery rate and reduced relapse percentages suggest that proton therapy could very well be the cancer treatment solution we’ve all been waiting for.

What Is Proton Therapy?

Proton therapy is a new form of cancer treatment that is best known for its more specific and aggressive approach. Due to the more targeted method of addressing tumors, studies have shown promising results when it comes to treating prostate cancer patients — alongside seeing the disappearance of tumors, a significantly reduced risk of impotence has been reported in over 90% of precious patients. Researchers have conducted rigorous follow-up tests to determine the potential for relapse in patients — 99% of men with low-risk prostate cancer and 95% of men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer had no signs of recurrence after five years.

What Are The Most Common Forms Of Cancer?

Cancer comes in many forms and degrees of severity. The rates of breast cancer have seen positive and negative news erupting as of late. It’s estimated over 23,000 adults and 4,000 children will be diagnosed with brain and spine cancers every year. Breast cancer awareness, in particular, has seen a surge in awareness thanks to the tireless efforts of countless non-profit organizations. Testing yourself for breast cancer (such as feeling each breast in the mirror or taking note of new moles) is a good habit that should be nurtured from here on out.

How Does Proton Beam Radiation Work?

Proton therapy for cancer is very promising. Proton therapy is currently being explored for its potential to drastically improve the survival rates and recovery rates for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. This treatment method involves a type of radiation that stops at a very specific point in the targeted tissue — this is an important detail to note, as many cancer treatment methods have affected surrounding organs and increased an individual’s chances of a relapse down the road.

How Common Is Proton Therapy Today?

While proton therapy for cancer is showing fantastic results, it is still in its test stages. The beginning of 2015 saw over 30 particle therapy centers being opened up across the world, with an estimated 80 treatment rooms per center. An additional and much lauded benefit of proton therapy for cancer is not just its success rate, but its short wait time — a single session will take around 15 to 45 minutes. Most of this is setting up the equipment and making the patient comfortable. The actual time spent delivering the proton therapy is only around a minute.

Should I Visit A Cancer Screening Center?

Cancer is best beat when found in the early stages. Visiting a breast cancer doctor or just getting a simple screening at a nearby clinic will give you a good idea as to where your health will be over the coming years. Risk factors for people with cancer include a family history of the condition, smoking, poor diet and possible exposure to certain chemicals (such as radon gas). According to studies provided by the CDC, nearly 35% of men over the age of 20 are obese, with another 30% struggling with high blood pressure. A doctor’s visit will give you peace-of-mind when it comes to your own personal wellness.

With technology getting better and better, the possibility of beating cancer has never been closer.

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Proton Therapy 3 Reasons This Treatment is Different Wed, 17 Jan 2018 21:58:09 +0000 Cancer proton therapy is new and revolutionary because it offers non-invasive cancer treatment that works differently than other treatments but has still shown to have positive outcomes. Proton treatment has many positives which make it a better decision when it comes to head and neck cancer treatment, breast cancer treatment or any other cancer treatment.

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Proton radiation therapy huntsville al

Cancer proton therapy is new and revolutionary because it offers non-invasive cancer treatment that works differently than other treatments but has still shown to have positive outcomes. Proton treatment has many positives which make it a better decision when it comes to head and neck cancer treatment, breast cancer treatment or any other cancer treatment.

This type of treatment helps, minimize exposure to good tissues. It allows treatment to be targeted at only the tumor, while leaving healthy tissue unharmed. Magnets are used to steer the proton beam to the correct position that it is needed. Beams can also be precisely targeted so that they can directly hit the tumor and not harm the skin around the tumor. This is especially vital when going through head and neck cancer treatment.

Recurring Tumors

Another good thing about proton therapy is the fact it can be used to treat tumors that were previously treated. Even tumors that were showing progress and then regrew. Individuals undergoing other treatments for tumors that recurred can undergo proton therapy successfully.

Quality of Life

Patient who undergo proton therapy to treat cancer experience an increase in quality of life over other cancer treatments. The treatment itself if not invasive and typically lasts less than an hour with actual treatment lasting one to two minutes, and the course of treatment lasting from one day up to nine weeks.

Effective for Pediatrics

Pediatrics can benefit from proton therapy to treat cancers and tumors. Since pediatric bodies are not done growing, and continue to grow at an incredible rate, trying to figure out the best course of treatment can be touch. Proton therapy eliminates this hassle and provides a much easier treatment plan for smaller patients.

Proton therapy decreases radiation by over 50% in patients. Over 23,000 adults and almost 5,000 children are diagnosed with cancerous tumors each year.This type of therapy helps to give those suffering from these conditions some options when it comes to their treatment plans, rather than relying on just one treatment option. Great references here.

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