Alcohol addiction treatment Archives - Health and Fitness Tips live a long, healthy life one step at a time Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:34:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Mental Health Condition That Kills Thousands Every Year And What Can Be Done About It Thu, 04 May 2017 03:25:38 +0000 There is an extremely important subject that is rarely discussed. It is something that affects thousands of people worldwide, but is sadly considered taboo to talk about. What subject am I referring to? Substance abuse and addiction. Many are afraid to admit they have problem, to others, or even to themselves. But it must be

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Ottawa rehab centres

There is an extremely important subject that is rarely discussed. It is something that affects thousands of people worldwide, but is sadly considered taboo to talk about. What subject am I referring to? Substance abuse and addiction.

Many are afraid to admit they have problem, to others, or even to themselves. But it must be acknowledged that this is a very serious mental health condition. If a person remains untreated they are putting their life at risk.

The Statistics

It has been estimated that substance abuse is to blame for the deaths of 47,000 Canadians each year.

One study by the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows that Canadians drink alcohol more than 50 percent above the worldwide average.

CAMH also reports that alcohol is the third leading cause of disease and injury globally.

What Can be Done?

Something that may start small, can quickly lead to addiction. Dependence on drugs and alcohol can lead to many short term and long term problems.

Addiction is a psychological dependence that is frequently caused by, or accompanied by another mental disorder. It has been estimated that people with substance abuse problems are up to three times more likely to have a mental illness.

As with any illness, addiction is a serious issue that requires the assistance of someone that is well versed in the problem. Drug rehabs may be the right place for you, or your loved one, to get the help needed.

Rehab centres are equipped with health professionals that can offer assistance for anyone that has a substance abuse issue, whether it is illegal drugs, prescription drugs, or alcohol.

Here are some of the many possible benefits of drug abuse rehab centers:

    Helps With Withdrawal The initial withdrawal process can be difficult and painful, why go through it alone? How much better to have medical personnel by your side helping you through the detoxification process.

    Removal From a Negative Environment Sights, sounds, and smells are all common triggers for a person that has problem with addiction. Trying to break free from a dependency while remaining in the same environment will just make it that much harder. Drug rehabs allow you to be removed from most temptations.

    Provides Psychological and Emotional Support As mentioned, addiction is a mental, or psychological, issue and it needs to be treated as such. Inpatient rehabs offer therapy and treatment programs that will help rebuild and fortify the mind. These programs offer needed support during the process of breaking the dependance. They also provide the tools to continue future recovery, teaching coping mechanisms and how to deal with stress.

Drug rehabs are generally what is needed to learn how to keep addiction and substance abuse under control, allowing time to completely focus on recovery.

Recovery may be a difficult path, but it is possible. However, it does not need to be a path that you go down alone. We all need help at times, and help is available.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance abuse of any kind, please take steps today to get started on the path to recovery.

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Ibogaine Detox Could Help You in Your Fight Against Addiction Thu, 02 Mar 2017 08:47:11 +0000 There are a lot of incredible moments in life. Milestones that you never want to forget, moments that surprise and astound you, occasions that mark changes in the direction of your life path. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and every new day is another opportunity to to make the most of

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Buprenorphine addiction treatment

There are a lot of incredible moments in life. Milestones that you never want to forget, moments that surprise and astound you, occasions that mark changes in the direction of your life path. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and every new day is another opportunity to to make the most of it. A daily effort to live with love and gratitude can make all the difference in perspective. However, just as there are remarkable moments and opportunities in life, there are also obstacles, detours, and major setbacks. There can be times that it is difficult to see the good through all of the hardships with which you are faced. And unfortunately, it is times like these that cause people to make bad decisions, out of desperation, confusion, or despair.

If you have reached one such fork in the road, and found yourself traversing down the one that leads the wrong direction, there is help for you. Whether you have attempted to drown your troubles in what has become an alcohol addiction, or you have spiraled into a cocaine addiction, or anything in between, there are options for detox programs that will get you back on the right path.

Finding the right detox solution for you

For some individuals who struggle with addiction, there has already been a significant battle in attempts to get the drug treatment necessary to get clean and sober. Some detox and treatment programs work better for some people better than others. If you have not found the detox program that works for you, that does not mean that it is useless to keep trying. Human beings are intelligent and resourceful, and we are constantly developing and discovering new things to help solve different problems. One new solution comes in the form of ibogaine therapy, an unorthodox type of treatment. But as addiction can be a very unique monster from person to person, it is important to have these types of options available.

Understanding addiction and learning to overcome it

Ibogaine treatment centers are those that use ibogaine, a natural, hallucinogenic substance, to wean the user off of the substance or substances that he or she is addicted to. The hallucinogenic qualities are often desirable for those with dependencies on perception altering substances, making the treatment much less painful. The treatment becomes successful as the ibogaine reduces cravings and almost completely eliminates any traces of withdrawal symptoms.

But how did you get here? Everyone has a story, complete with bad choices, unfortunate circumstances, or a progression of events that caused them to not see the addiction coming. Whatever the case may be, just know that you are not alone. Many drug addicts first begin using as teenagers. In one year, there were about 2.8 million new drug users, which boils down to about 7,800 new individuals partaking for the first time each day. More than 54% of those new users were under the age of 18 years old. A person of any age should not have to fall into the trap of addiction, but the statistics regarding young users shows a troubling trend. One that we need to correct by dealing with the root of the problem within society, not just attempting to doctor up the issue after the problem is already out of control.

Just about everyone drives a vehicle of some kind. Over the course of one year, 29,230 people lost their lives in vehicle accidents. Compare that with the 47,055 deaths that resulted from drug overdoses that year, and you are looking at pretty terrifying odds. But there is help available. Ibogaine could be the treatment that helps you get back onto the path you are meant to be on.

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Frustrated by Ineffective Treatment Options? Explore the Benefits of an Ibogaine Clinic Fri, 17 Feb 2017 22:15:12 +0000 Have you participated in an addiction treatment program before? Did it have the desired or expected results? If not, then you may want to consider another type of addiction treatment called ibogaine. This treatment option is available at an ibogaine treatment center, and has been shown to have effective results. You may be aware that

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Methamphetamine addiction

Have you participated in an addiction treatment program before? Did it have the desired or expected results? If not, then you may want to consider another type of addiction treatment called ibogaine. This treatment option is available at an ibogaine treatment center, and has been shown to have effective results.

You may be aware that in addition to illicitly-obtained drugs, many Americans are addicted to prescription pain medications, opiates in particular. For the past ten-plus years, there has been a steady rise in opiate usage to treat pain. As a result, many individuals become addicted to these medications and believe they still need them when they no longer do.

While approximately 130 million people in the United States regularly drink alcohol, not everyone knows their limit. Currently, in addition to illicit drugs, it is estimated that 2.6 million people are dependent on alcohol. Needless to say, these addictions are known to have a major effect on mental as well as physical health. Furthermore, many addicts tend to cause additional harm to themselves and others as a result of their addictions.

Do you have an addiction to alcohol and/or one or more of the following drugs?

  • Adderall
  • Buprenorphine
  • Cocaine
  • Methadone
  • Methamphetamine
  • Opiates
  • Oxycodone

Ibogaine therapy has been used to treat these and other addictions. If you haven’t heard of ibogaine before, you may be interested to know that only a 99.6% pure pharmaceutical grade is used. Ibogaine HCI has been shown to eliminate roughly 98% of the withdrawal symptoms associated with opiate withdrawal. Furthermore, not only has it been shown to make a significant difference with post-acute withdrawal syndrome, it also reduces cravings for stimulants as well as alcohol.

When seeking alcohol addiction treatment, drug treatment, or a combination of both, it’s important to consider the potential ramifications of not choosing a treatment program at this time. In addition to finding yourself in the emergency room, being in or causing a car accident, or dying as the result of alcohol or drug use, you could also be arrested and face jail time.

If this is the first time you are seeking addiction treatment, it’s important to find the most effective treatment facility to address your needs. While you’re weighing your options, why not explore the benefits of ibogaine to treat your addiction?

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A Drug Treatment Program Can Reset Your Life Tue, 23 Feb 2016 23:16:13 +0000 Millions of people struggle with some form of drug or substance abuse and addiction every year. With growing concerns over drug uses and the growing opioid crisis, the focus on drug rehabilitation center and rehab services has only grown. There are many forms of counseling and treatment that can help people who struggle with various

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Millions of people struggle with some form of drug or substance abuse and addiction every year. With growing concerns over drug uses and the growing opioid crisis, the focus on drug rehabilitation center and rehab services has only grown. There are many forms of counseling and treatment that can help people who struggle with various types and levels of addiction.

These centers offer many addiction discussion topics and therapy options that can help people break the cycle and get clean. Everything from free addiction fact sheet and handouts to group and individual counseling and therapy sessions can help people begin to turn their lives around.

Local addiction placement services can help people find counseling and therapy options and can work with family members to support a family member during the recovery process. Understanding the addiction recovery basics can help give addicts a fighting chance of getting clean and can help their support team be more successful in the long run. So, if you or a loved one need help with addiction recovery, look for the local rehab centers and see what services they have to offer!

Ibogaine continuing care

If you’re suffering from alcohol or opiate addiction, you may feel utterly alone and alienated. In fact, you’re not as alone as you feel. You can get help to get your life back, even if it seems that your life is spiraling out of control and you are alienated from your family and friends. The good news is that there are treatment programs that can help you recover your life, health and motivation. You may have heard of Ibogaine detox programs which can literally reset your life. If you’re ready to detox, the first step is to talk to counsellors who can explain the intake process and drug treatment you will receive.

Addiction is a problem of epidemic proportions
If you’ve been living with drug or alcohol addiction, you’re part of a larger social trend. The use of illicit drugs had been growing in the U.S. As of 2013, almost one American in ten, or 9.4%, over the age of 12 had used an illicit drug in the preceding month. That’s a total of 24.6 million people. In 2002, the corresponding number was 8.3%.
The types of drug used are also changing and a major component of the new epidemic of illicit drug use is the abuse of prescription drugs. The commonest drugs used are prescription medicines including pain killers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives and hallucinogens like ecstasy and LSD.

Given the ease with which drugs are available, it’s easier than ever to become addicted. In fact, most people who are addicted to drinking, smoking or using illicit drugs began at a young age, well before they were 18 years of age. Teenagers are the most vulnerable group: they’re curious to try everything new and lack the judgement to decide when something is harmful. Out of the
2.8 million people who began using illicit drugs in 2013, more than half were below 18 years of age. The young adult demographic, between the ages of 18 and 25, has the highest rates of illicit drug use in the population.

Drugs kill
Drugs kill. And addiction kills. It’s as simple as that. The number of people dying from drug overdoses has tripled over the past 20-year period and now overdoses kill 100 people every day. As of 2011, drugs accounted for more than 5 million emergency room visits.
The problem doesn’t stop there, because people drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol. In 2011, the number of people driving under the influence of illicit drugs was reported to be 9.4 million. You only have to pause for a moment to think of the dangers created by that situation. You should think if further if you want to be part of that problem, endangering other people.

A treatment program that will reset your life
Many people will tell you that there’s no simple cure for addiction, and that it is a long drawn out process of recovery and rehabilitation. Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction can address the physical aspects of the problem with startling ease. It has been found to be very effective in significantly reducing cravings for drugs and alcohol. And it achieves this without producing the intense withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal. Ibogaine treatment eliminates almost all – more than 98% – of opiate withdrawal symptoms.

In most countries of the world except the U.S., ibogaine is an easily available and perfectly legal drug. A treatment program that incorporates both Ibogaine therapy and calm, serene surroundings can help you recover your self and your goals.

So if you’re at the point when you’re tired of the addictions that have taken over your life and your personality, it may be time to think of a treatment program. You may be tired of going to work and pretending that everything is all right. You may be tired of the way your family and friends tiptoe around you as they try and deal with your unpredictable behavior. This can all change for the better, and you’re the person who can initiate that change.


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