Medical advancements are important for disease diagnosis and treatment. Without advanced imaging machines, such as MRI scans and 3 Tesla MRIs, physicians would not have the ability to view the inner workings of the body. These images look for abnormal conditions of the body and can help with diagnosing certain conditions. Once a diagnosis is made, the 3 Tesla MRI imaging can help the physician to understand how to treat the condition. The treatment and recovery rates of many patients are increased because of these advance imaging tests.
Diagnosing of bone related problems Many chronic pain conditions are the result of poorly shaped or healed bones. Weak ligaments and tendons may also be responsible. A physician is unable to diagnose or help treat symptoms of someone dealing with this type of pain, if they are unable to identify the exact cause and location of the pain. 3 Tesla MRI machines can actually identify problematic areas of the body, giving the medical professional a better idea of the specific area to treat.
Head related conditions Sometimes headaches are simply a headache. They can be caused by changing weather conditions, allergies, or stuffed up sinuses. However, chronic headaches can also be caused by more serious of conditions. A medical professional is generally able to establish the cause of chronic headaches or the lack of a serious disease causing the headaches with MRI radiology. The MRI machine can also be used to produce 3D images that may be viewed from many different angles.
The 3 Tesla MRI machine is able to take different angles of the head and brain, checking for any abnormalities. If the MRI scan is clear, traditional over the counter medications can be used for treatment of symptoms. Of the 30 million MRI scans performed in the United States each year, 6.6 million, or 22% are head scans. MRI head scans may also be used to diagnose sleep related conditions. The brain is often involved with many sleep disorders, making it a useful diagnostic machine for these types of sleep conditions.
Whole body scanning Although whole body diagnostic imaging is rare, it is used in some conditions. If the patient is experiencing chronic widespread pain, a MRI scan may be used to look for any abnormalities. It may also be used to check the entire body following an auto accident or a lengthy slip and fall. It can be difficult to establish specific harmed areas in these type of accidents, making the full body scan very useful.
A whole body scan may also be used to detect blood flow. Strokes are often caused by decreased or blocked blood flow. The advancement of radiology centers allows a colored fluid to be injected into the blood stream. A series of rapid images show and track the movement and path of the fluid. If the fluid gets stuck at any point, or is completely blocked in a specific area, that area becomes a point of concern. These types of tests require the patient to lie still for a long period of time. You will need to lie still as the machine takes a series of pictures. Each series will take up to 15 minutes and you may need to have two to six series before the test is over.
The fields of science and research continue to improve upon medical testing. These advanced medical tests improve the way physicians are able to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. MRI scans, for example, are able to closely look for any abnormalities inside of the person?s body. They can also look for any damages that are caused by injury or disease. Whole body scans may be used to look for blood blockages or problems with effective blood flow. MRI machines and other diagnostic tools have become extremely important to the field of medical practice.