Millions of people struggle with some form of drug or substance abuse and addiction every year. With growing concerns over drug uses and the growing opioid crisis, the focus on drug rehabilitation center and rehab services has only grown. There are many forms of counseling and treatment that can help people who struggle with various types and levels of addiction.
These centers offer many addiction discussion topics and therapy options that can help people break the cycle and get clean. Everything from free addiction fact sheet and handouts to group and individual counseling and therapy sessions can help people begin to turn their lives around.
Local addiction placement services can help people find counseling and therapy options and can work with family members to support a family member during the recovery process. Understanding the addiction recovery basics can help give addicts a fighting chance of getting clean and can help their support team be more successful in the long run. So, if you or a loved one need help with addiction recovery, look for the local rehab centers and see what services they have to offer!

If you’re suffering from alcohol or opiate addiction, you may feel utterly alone and alienated. In fact, you’re not as alone as you feel. You can get help to get your life back, even if it seems that your life is spiraling out of control and you are alienated from your family and friends. The good news is that there are treatment programs that can help you recover your life, health and motivation. You may have heard of Ibogaine detox programs which can literally reset your life. If you’re ready to detox, the first step is to talk to counsellors who can explain the intake process and drug treatment you will receive.
Addiction is a problem of epidemic proportions
If you’ve been living with drug or alcohol addiction, you’re part of a larger social trend. The use of illicit drugs had been growing in the U.S. As of 2013, almost one American in ten, or 9.4%, over the age of 12 had used an illicit drug in the preceding month. That’s a total of 24.6 million people. In 2002, the corresponding number was 8.3%.
The types of drug used are also changing and a major component of the new epidemic of illicit drug use is the abuse of prescription drugs. The commonest drugs used are prescription medicines including pain killers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives and hallucinogens like ecstasy and LSD.
Given the ease with which drugs are available, it’s easier than ever to become addicted. In fact, most people who are addicted to drinking, smoking or using illicit drugs began at a young age, well before they were 18 years of age. Teenagers are the most vulnerable group: they’re curious to try everything new and lack the judgement to decide when something is harmful. Out of the
2.8 million people who began using illicit drugs in 2013, more than half were below 18 years of age. The young adult demographic, between the ages of 18 and 25, has the highest rates of illicit drug use in the population.
Drugs kill
Drugs kill. And addiction kills. It’s as simple as that. The number of people dying from drug overdoses has tripled over the past 20-year period and now overdoses kill 100 people every day. As of 2011, drugs accounted for more than 5 million emergency room visits.
The problem doesn’t stop there, because people drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol. In 2011, the number of people driving under the influence of illicit drugs was reported to be 9.4 million. You only have to pause for a moment to think of the dangers created by that situation. You should think if further if you want to be part of that problem, endangering other people.
A treatment program that will reset your life
Many people will tell you that there’s no simple cure for addiction, and that it is a long drawn out process of recovery and rehabilitation. Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction can address the physical aspects of the problem with startling ease. It has been found to be very effective in significantly reducing cravings for drugs and alcohol. And it achieves this without producing the intense withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal. Ibogaine treatment eliminates almost all – more than 98% – of opiate withdrawal symptoms.
In most countries of the world except the U.S., ibogaine is an easily available and perfectly legal drug. A treatment program that incorporates both Ibogaine therapy and calm, serene surroundings can help you recover your self and your goals.
So if you’re at the point when you’re tired of the addictions that have taken over your life and your personality, it may be time to think of a treatment program. You may be tired of going to work and pretending that everything is all right. You may be tired of the way your family and friends tiptoe around you as they try and deal with your unpredictable behavior. This can all change for the better, and you’re the person who can initiate that change.