Cancer is not something anyone wants to think about, but it’s an unfortunate part of our daily life. Almost 40% of men and women will get a cancer diagnosis at some point in their life, meaning this disease has probably affected someone close to you, or will at some point. Whether that someone is you or a loved one your helping through a cancer diagnosis, there are some important questions that should be asked to the oncologist during the first visit. Read below to see these questions and why asking them is important.
This is a very important question to ask your oncologist, therefore it should be your first. You need to find out what type of cancer you have as this can determine the best course of treatment for it. Find out your diagnosis, take notes, and don’t be scared to tell your doctor if you don’t understand something so they can explain it better.
Second Opinion
This can be a hard question for many to ask, because it can make them feel as though they are stepping on their doctor’s toes. This isn’t always the case and some doctors will welcome a second opinion so that there is more then one person determining the best course of treatment. Ask your doctor where they would recommend you go for a second or even third opinion. Don’t be scared to discuss this with your doctor, because nobody wants to be treated at a cancer care center for something they don’t even really have.
Coming to Terms with Diagnosis
Ask your doctor for a list of resources to help you come to terms with your diagnosis. While there are a number of cancer treatment options, there are also other options that help people cope. Your Cancer specialist can help you find someone to talk to for the emotional and mental support that you may need.
There are many more treatment options besides popular chemotherapy treatment. Your oncologist can walk you through these other options. Together you two can decide the best course of treatment based on the downtime, how invasive the procedure is, the side effects associated with the treatment and the cost of the treatment.
When you are burdened with a life altering condition, you may not be able to think about your financial future, but it’s necessary. Knowing how much your treatment will cost will help you prepare financially. Cancer and cancer treatments take a toll on the body, and you don’t want to be burdened with added stress during this time. Ask about cost and if your oncologist doesn’t know the price ask for numbers so you can call and get an idea of what treatment will cost you.
It is important to get as much information as possible from your oncologist before treatment starts, so that you are not hit by surprise information later down the line. During the course of treatment you will probably be on some medicines and you should discuss the safety of taking new medicine with your old medicine. Sometimes the two medicines cannot be taken together. If it is a medication that you shouldn’t stop taking, then other measures or medicines should be prescribed. Knowing this information in advance can help get all medicines squared away before hand, so there is no risk of interactions.
Is it Able to be Cured
This is probably one of the hardest questions to ask, but it is vital for you to know. So many patients end up getting medicine from their oncologist thinking that the medicine is intended to cure the cancer, when in all reality it is meant to only extend your life and improve the quality of your life. If the cancer is able to be cured, ask what the rate of recurrence is after treatment. These things will be important information to know for later on down the line.
Cancer is scary and no one wants to be diagnosed with it, which is why early detection is best. Mammogram screenings have shown to be effective at reducing cancer-related deaths, therefore all proper screenings shouldn’t be scheduled and kept as their importance speaks volumes.