Orthopedic Surgery and You — What You Need to Know About the Prevalence of Shoulder, Neck, and Back Injuries

The orthopedic surgeon is one of the healthcare industry’s unsung heroes. Nearly all of us have suffered from back pain of some kind in the past, though the reality of the situation has even more gravity and even more implications for our health as a nation. A study conducted in early 2006 revealed that nearly 7.5 million people went to the doctor’s office for an injury related to their shoulders. This includes upper arm sprains, strains, and also neck injuries. It’s one of the most important regions of our body, so it is imperative that we take good care of our necks, backs, and shoulders when problems do arise.
People are glad they decided to see their doctors, it seems, as there are about 53,000 reported shoulder replacement surgeries performed in the United States each year. Unlike other ailments like migraines, which go largely untreated and undiagnosed in the United States, back pain seems to be enough of a hindrance to most people to cause them to tell their doctors about their issues. This is a good thing — letting medical issues go untreated is one surefire way to invite those issues to become worse.
This is why orthopedic surgeons are so important in our society today. Without them, these injuries would be getting the better of us as a culture. The face of sports would not be the same. A study has recently demonstrated shoulder injuries to be the fifth most common injury among high school athletes. Imagine how many athlete’s lives would be negatively impacted if it weren’t for procedures like ACL repair or other sports medicines. Sports injuries, even at the high school level, could be life-changers.
It should be said that orthopedics is sometimes referred to as “orthopaedics”, though they both refer to the same practice. If you feel like your neck, shoulders, or back have been hurting you lately, consider seeking medical treatment. Inaction is an open invitation to your shoulder pain to intensify, so act today before you open the door on further injuries.