Therapy Isn’t Just For Everyone Else How Talking To A Counselor Could Change The Way You Live Your Life

Therapy isn’t a resource just for other people. It can be a viable option for you, too.
This can be a hard conclusion for some to reach. Society isn’t exactly kind to those struggling with behavioral or mental health issues. Rampant misconceptions abound concerning the nature of mental illness and many people today don’t even have the vocabulary to address their issues, much less seek help. When you find yourself asking how things could be better, there’s a therapist out there waiting to help. The field of therapy is a complex one, designed to accommodate several areas of life and provide you the one-on-one consultation you need.
It’s time to start asking the right questions. Let’s take a look at some of the more common mental health issues in the United States and what you can start doing this week to change things.
Simple Facts About Mental Health Today
Mental health is just as diverse a field as physical health. It’s so complex, in fact, many can feel completely daunted just looking up therapy resources. It’s estimated one out of seven American children between the ages of two and eight have a diagnosed mental or behavioral disorder. Anxiety disorders and depression remain some of the most common mental health issues today, to boot. While you might feel alone in what you’re going through, the simple fact of the matter is there are many in a similar boat.
The Increasing Rates Of Anxiety Disorders In America
A good place to start considering therapy is if you suspect an anxiety disorder. This is a common illness that affects millions of American adults and children today, ranging from panic disorder to obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s characterized by feelings of constant nervousness, racing thoughts, intrusive thoughts, fatigue, and avoidance of basic tasks. It can result in physical symptoms like a racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, sore muscles, headaches, and nausea. The journey of self discovery is not a smooth one, but it can be made a little easier with therapy.
Prevalent Misconceptions About Depression And Its Symptoms
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses and misunderstood ones. One misconception is that children can’t experience it, which is both patently false and incredibly damaging, to boot. Recent studies have found 10% of American children between the ages of three and 16 receiving professional mental health counseling or treatment. Depression is characterized by persistent feelings of hopelessness, low energy, and a lack of interest in everyday activities. It can also come with suicidal thoughts and self-harm, which includes drinking in an attempt to self-medicate.
Definition Of Personality Disorders In Adults And Children
An important distinction to make on your way to counseling is the difference between mental illness and personality disorders. While they can certainly cross over (indeed, some directly influence one another), they are still separate conditions. A mental health problem relates to a chemical imbalance in the brain, such as reduced serotonin. A personality disorder, on the other hand, is a pattern of maladaptive behavior that becomes second nature. This can include borderline personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder.
The Source Of Poor Mental Health And Your Options
Therapy can seem like an extreme option. It can even feel like admitting you’re broken. Just like you wouldn’t expect to overcome a serious illness or injury on your own, so too should you treat mental health with the same grace. Many things can cause you to seek out child and family therapy — trauma and victimization from an abusive relationship, the stress of marriage, recent events…the list goes on. According to BYU psychology professioner Scott Braithwaite, some premarital counseling studies show the therapy process can reduce the likelihood of divorce by 50%.
You don’t have to face this fight alone. Therapy can provide you the means of living a healthier and happier life one session at a time.