Weight loss surgery is not a quick process. There is a lot to know about the different options, a lot of prep work must be done, and there is the need to find a good surgeon that can help you achieve the results you crave.
Considering that more than one in three American adults are considered to be obese, stomach reduction surgery is a popular option not only to boost a person’s self-confidence but to get them back on track to living a healthy life. But before you sign up for any weight loss procedures, it is crucial to have a sit-down consultation with a bariatric surgeon to get as educated as you can. Here are some questions to ask your surgeon during your initial consultation.
What resources do you offer before and after surgery?
Weight loss is a journey, not a destination. With this in mind, you’ll need to understand that it is crucial to stay supported from the beginning to the end. Some typical resources surgeons offer include dietitian appointments, support groups, and nutritional advice. These are all available so you will learn how to create healthy habits and sustain them after the procedure.
Is weight loss surgery a good choice for me?
Depending on your health history, weight loss surgery may not be the best option for you. Rather, your bariatric surgeon may put you on an organic weight loss plan where you focus on exercise and eating healthy foods instead of going the surgery route.
Can you explain the best surgery you recommend for me?
There are different types of bariatric surgery — the lap band, the gastric sleeve, and gastric bypass are all options. But they do range in how invasive they are and how long their recovery is, so what is right for one person may not be right for you.
What are your complication rates?
Even the most experienced surgeon can have complications in their surgeries. It is imperative that they are open and honest about any risks your surgery could pose and what measures they will go to to ensure you are safe and protected in both the operating room and in recovery.
We hope that these four questions will help to open up the conversation between you and your bariatric surgeon. Remember, there is no such thing as too small of a question when it comes to your health.